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Need to create a range leveraging a filter ?

9 - Comet

I'll like to create a filter to capture between 2 ranges .. For Example -  I want to capture between where fund ID is greater or equal to 30 but less or equal to 100.   Fund ID >=30 and <=100.  How do I write that as a custom filter


Will this be the right command:

If ([Fund ID] >= 30 and [Fund ID] <= 100 then 1 or else 0 end if



14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

If you want you can put the expression directly into the filter tool to do it in one step. Otherwise you create the flag in a formula tool and probably need to do a filter after straight after.


You are right: [Fund ID] >= 30 and [Fund ID] <= 100


Will evaluate to True (and records come out the True anchor) for values between 30 and 100 inclusive.

Check out my collaboration with fellow ACE Joshua Burkhow at
9 - Comet

I leverage using the formula instead of the filer..

9 - Comet

If [FUND ID] >= 30 and [Fund ID] <= 100 then 1 or else 0 end if -  Im using this one as a custom filter but its giving me an error with 'else"

9 - Comet

Forgot to add the parenthesis  -I think this is the right one -- running now


If ([FUND ID] >= 30 and [FUND ID] <= 100) then 1 or else 0 end if
