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Need to Prioritise Joins

8 - Asteroid

Objective: To Map "Sample data" with "Mapping File" and obtain corresponding fields


Problem Area:

The sheet "Mapping File" is made using raw data from past and hence there could be new combinations which are not part of the mapping file.

The fields used for Joining are highlighted in Orange in the attached sheet and mentioned below as well:



Event Type



Fields highlighted in Yellow are the ones that need to be used for calculations ahead

The "Sample data" sheet contains a few such cases which are missed in the join with "Mapping File" because of one or more parameters missing



Solution Expected: In case of one parameter missing like say Region - Hyderbad, the workflow should the next best region and proceed

In case of a missing ATP bucket like 0-250 it should pick the next best/worst ATP bucket like 0 or 250-500..


Basically, for each missing parameter, it should pick the next upper/lower value and then join the fields.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @rushabh_shah


Alteryx wouldn't know automatically to change values (and what to change them to) for a second try at joining but you can set this up manually by editing the values on the non-join side in a formula tool, like this:


1-30-2018 10-06-41 AM.png

Henriette Haigh
Technical Product Manager - Data Connectors
Alteryx, Inc.
