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Need for spatial datasets in Alteryx Advanced Exam

8 - Asteroid

Hi ,


Last month I got the core certification and now I would like to apply for the Advanced exam. I've noted that there are questions from spatial area. As some problems requires respective spatial data sets to find solution,I would like to know whether a person without this data set could write and perform effectively just as person with these data sets. In other words will there be questions in this exam which uses these spatial data sets ?

12 - Quasar

@jaimonsk First off, congratulations on passing the Core Certification and I commend you for wanting to continue through the advanced exam.


The best place to prepare for any of the spatial questions on the exam (of which there will be a few) is the weekly challenges. Several of them involve a spatial component and include all the data required. 


If you're looking for any other practice, there are a number of different spatial data sets available, of which a quick google search (usually for words like shapefile, etc) will get you what you might need.


Good luck!

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @jaimonsk 




Like @neilgallen said, the questions on the advanced exam come with all the data you need.  They also don't rely on external data sets that don't come with the core Alteryx designer.  As an example, there may a question asking you to find the distance between points, but it won't ask for the drive time, because the latter relies on having a licensed drive time data set.


Good Luck



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @jaimonsk 


@danilang and @neilgallen pretty much summarized the important things, but I'd add that Interactive Lessons are one of the best resources to study Spatial Analysis and Tools.


It covers up almost all of them, and it technically clarifies how and when to use them.


That actually guaranteed me a solid knowledge to take the exam. 


