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Multiple snippets on multiple excel tabs via render tool

8 - Asteroid

I have a workflow which summarises output by month and by time.


For each, there is a graph and a table giving me four report snippets in total.


I want to render these to Excel with two tabs.


I can get all snippets on one tab, or I can get each snippet on its own seperate tab.


Is it possible to have two snippets (a graph and a table) on two tabs?


(I hope that makes sense? Smiley Frustrated)

8 - Asteroid

BTW it always seems to order the tabs alphabetically, the only way around this I've found is to number my tabs in the order I want them, so each tab name is of the form "1. name of tab", "2. name of next tab", ... , "N. name of nth tab"

7 - Meteor

Phil, your example would be helpful.  I had given my groups meaningful names in the formula tool and I've checked everything I could in the last layout tool but my excel tabs just show the default naming.  Thanks for the quick response.

8 - Asteroid

I'll get on it first thing in the morning

8 - Asteroid

Hi Tom,


As promised here is the example workfllow - hope this helps.


At the very bottom of the last layout is a dropdown box marked 'Section Name' which allows you to choose the variable with the tab names.  This only appears when Layout Mode is set to 'Each Group of Records'

7 - Meteor

So simple, my mistake was each formula tool group column header was called something else, now they are all "Group" and it works like a charm, Thanks!

8 - Asteroid

Glad I could help

7 - Meteor

If you add a layout tool, you should be able to reorder the Excel tabs from your snippet in the "Per Row Configuration" section located on the bottom left of the configuration, using the up-down arrows. If your layout tool mode is Each Individual Record, Orientation, Vertical With Section Breaks, you can select these items individually, in this same box and name them in the "Section Name" box that appears.


I wish I could paste snippets in here. I'd show you. Too busy to save a snippet and insert it. But if you need more explanation, you can email me and I'll paste the snippets in email and send to you.

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