Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Multiple Table Creation in Snowflake via Alteryx through list of sheet Name

11 - Bolide

I am new to this , I want to know i have extracted a list of sheet name and now i want to insert those sheet name in Snowflake as a Table.


What the process to do So.?


Note:  I have created one Table via Database IN but i want to create 10+ Tables in one go.

19 - Altair

Hey @rohit782192 - can you make sure that you mark solutions to any older posts you've had on snowflake? I think you've posted a few times and then kind of left the posts/started a new one instead of marking a solution. You should mark a solution so that other community members can track the solutions easier when they encounter the same problems.


I do what you are asking about via datastream in. I put that in a batch macro. I feed in table names dynamically to the batch macro. A lot of this In-DB stuff is fairly system specific so you have to be willing to share additional information (configs/set ups etc) or go additional route (ie hire a consultant and give them access to your DBs)....
