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Multiple Conditions Filter - Csv Example Included

7 - Meteor

I have included a csv with random numbers. I am working on a project in which I need multiple conditions to be met and am stuck on the particulars. This post is a follow up to a previous question, but wanted to provide more detail.

Steps 1 is to filter the “Code” column to include values “11111”, “22222”. After this, I want to keep the “Random Unique ID” values that correspond to those new criteria in the “Code” column.

Step 2 - Out of the “Random Unique ID” column, which rows also have values “10101”, “20202”, “30303”

Step 3 – Out of that resultant, which “Random Unique ID” also has “888888” as well as “99999999” in the “C.Uniq Integers” column.


My own data set contains multiple null values / blank values in a number of rows and columns as well.

17 - Castor

Hi @tsilverman_ 


Here's an example of the first filter, however not seeing any data that would match step 2, 10101,20202,30303 appear to be codes, not random unique IDs in your sample. 




7 - Meteor

Hi Luke_C,


 Thank you for the response. For step two, of the outputs for "Random Unique ID", what other rows contain 10101,20202,30303 in column "Code"

20 - Arcturus

@tsilverman_ is it possible to upload the expected result based on your input file?

7 - Meteor

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3



17 - Castor

Hi @tsilverman_ I'm sorry, I'm really struggling to understand your logic. The screenshots you provided don't seem to agree:


  1. Step 1 screenshot, why is there a code 20202 present? Isn't that a step 2 filter? 
  2. Why is step 2 necessary? Wouldn't we just want to look at any records where [Code] in ('11111','22222','20202','10101','30303')
  3. I am getting 5 resulting records in step 3. Can you help me understand why the highlighted records below do not meet the criteria?


