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MultiRow Formula

5 - Atom


I cannot get the right formula for the following:


 1. On column 20, when P1 is consecutive I need the records from 7th row to have them on 4th row and 6 on 5 (output in the workflow for a better view). 
 2. On column 20, when P1 is not consecutive, I need the records shifted with one above, record 14 to record 13. 


I got the formula working for the second situation, but I am not sure how to tackle the first one, as it goes weird in my workings attached.

Please note it happens in a larger file with many lines when these 2 specific scenarios can happen.

Thank you!

14 - Magnetar

I've taken a different approach, assigning a record ID then calculating the correct record ID to match the extra rows to.  Hopefully it'll work with your larger data set.

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