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Multirow formula to identify the wave

7 - Meteor

How would i use the multirow formula to identify wave 1, 2, 3 using the due on date? Below is the example


    Output: Wave identifier
106751Action item 2Deployment10/31/2024Wave 2
106751Action item 1Deployment9/29/2023Wave 1
114400Team 1Deployment10/2/2024Wave 1
114400Team 2Deployment12/2/2024Wave 2


If there would be another tool i can use to do this open to suggestions

21 - Polaris

@Cherub7210 what is the expected output?

7 - Meteor

@binuacs the expected out is in the expected output column



Proj IdProject NameTaskDue on DateExpected Output
106751Action item 2Deployment10/31/2024Wave 2
106751Action item 1Deployment9/29/2023Wave 1
114400Team 1Deployment10/2/2024Wave 1
114400Team 2Deployment12/2/2024Wave 2


21 - Polaris

@Cherub7210 can you explain the logic?

7 - Meteor

@binuacs using the due on date i would like to identify what wave would it be. So it can be Wave 1 to Wave N depending on how may project id that are listed. apologies i think my example is incorrect. Here is an updated example. Wave 1 would be the earliest date, 2 the would be the next date to N where N is the newest date.


In the example, proj id 106751 has 2 instances and due on date 9/29/23 is the earliest and is tagged as wave 1 and then 10/31/24 would be Wave 2 


Proj  IdProject NameTaskDue on DateExpected Output
106751Action item 1Deployment10/31/2024Wave 2
106751Action item 1Deployment9/29/2023Wave 1
114400Team 1Deployment10/2/2024Wave 1
114400Team 1Deployment12/2/2024Wave 2


hope this gives a clearer picture 

21 - Polaris

@Cherub7210 one way of doing this


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