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Multi-row calculation for fields that are inter-dependent

5 - Atom

Hi everyone,


I have a problem with calculation in Alteryx and I will really appreciate if you give me some guidance. My case is as follow (please kindly refer to the attached photo for an illustration):

  • Data in column A, B and C of all records are given
  • Data in column D, E and F of the 1st record are given
  • I need to calculate values column D, E and F of the remaining records.
  • Column D of the current record = the sum of Column A, D and F of the previous record
  • Column E would be the difference between Column B and Column D
  • Column F is equal to either column C or E, whichever is lower

Is there any way for me to calculate values column D, E and F for a large number of records in an efficient way? I have tried to find solutions for similar cases, but there does not seem to be any. 


Thank you very much for your help. 





15 - Aurora

Add tools in this order:


For column D, use the Multi-Row Formula tool.  Under the Preparation tab, single-left-click the Multi-Row Formula tool, click Open Example, run the example workflow and review the examples.

For column E, use a Formula tool: [column B] - [column D]

For column F, use a Formula tool: Min([column C], [column E])


Here's a list of all functions:


And here is the Tool Mastery index: Tool Mastery Index - Alteryx Community



5 - Atom

Hi Chris,


Thank you very much for the suggestion. I tried your approach but did not get the correct results (as shown in the 2nd photo).

There is issue with Multi-row Formula tool for Column D from the 3rd record onward:

  • I think that the Multi-row Formula calculates value in column D for all records in one-go and before the values in column F are calculated. Note that Column D of the current record = the sum of Column A, D and F of the previous record
  • In the 2nd record, the value in Column F is not calculated yet and hence it is 0. Therefore, the value in Column D of the 3rd record is incorrect. The same issue happens to the subsequent records

I hope the explanation is clear. 


reply to Chris - 1.jpgCorrect results.jpg

14 - Magnetar

Hi, @nghieu 


Here you are :



0- Change all Calculation Field type to Double.


1- Calculate the Column D.


IIF([ID]=1,[Col_D], [Row-1:Col_A]+[Row-1:Col_D]+ min([Row-1:Col_C] ,[Row-1:Col_E]))


 or change to the formula:

IIF([ID]=1,[Col_D], [Row-1:Col_A]+[Row-1:Col_D]+ min([Row-1:Col_C] ,[Row-1:Col_B]-[Row-1:Col_D]))


2- Calculate the Column E and F.


IIF(IsEmpty([Col_E]), [Col_B]-[Col_D], [Col_E])
IIF(IsEmpty([Col_F]), Min([Col_C], [Col_E]), [Col_F])




If it can help you get your want output, please mark it as s solution and give a like to share more.
