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Multi Row Tool to flag groups of data

6 - Meteoroid

I have a use case where I am trying to flag all new customers and their future visits as one "block". I have tried the Tile tool and Multi-Row tools with mixed results. Flagging the first visit of a new customer presents no problems. I'm having difficulty figuring out how to flag the subsequent visits these new customers have. There are customers who will have nothing but Repeat visits because they first signed up long before the date range that is in-scope. So they will always have the "WALK-IN REPEAT qualifier. This group would have 0's all the way down, no issues there.


Please see the screenshots below for better reference.


Current Output



Desired Output




My multi row tool flags the first visit of a new customer, with no problem. How can I carry this flag down to the rest of the visits the new customer has with a 1? This condition would need to restart after the final records of their visits and a new member ID comes in as I work my way down the records.




11 - Bolide

How about changing the formula to:

if [visit_type] = 'WALK-IN NEW'

then 1

elseif [member_guid] = [row-1:member_guid] and [row-1:new_field] = 1

then 1

else 0


20 - Arcturus

@jenniphervigil one way of doing this with the tile tool



6 - Meteoroid

Thank you Robin and binuacs. This worked like a charm!
