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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How do I remove rows after merging cell contents, or merge cells then remove row?

5 - Atom

The source file is a spreadsheet that has thousands of rows, but quite often an item is on two rows, but only the Item Description. The column cells to the left and right are merged.


The input tool cleanly un-merges them, however, I am left with the original problem of Item Description for that item number on two rows.
How do I merge the two-row item description when I encounter them, and then delete the row full of nulls? Is there a better approach to this?



Thank you




17 - Castor

@grinner if you use a Multi-Row formula to take the ID (guessing that’s the column on the left) from the previous row of the current row is null, that will fill all of the IDs. Then you can use a Summarize tool to Group By ID and concatenate the description and 2 fields on the right. In the Summarize tool, set the concatenate separator to \n which is the notation for a new line.


@grinner attached is an example of how this could be accomplished. I hope this is helpful!



5 - Atom

Thank you both. I had to exclude some columns for privacy reasons, however, I was able to massage MatthewO's solution to get what I needed. DataNath's solution was an exercise I undertook after. Both were valid solutions and I thank you.
