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Missing header details with Render tool and column adjustment

8 - Asteroid



I was using the Render tool to output 3 sheets into a single excel file.


I have a few questions:


(1) For Sheet 1, I am not sure why there are missing details for the headers. Eg. "Bill to Country (2)" becomes "Bill to Coun (2)".

(2) For Sheet 2, I am not sure column B is so wide. 


If there anything wrong with my configuration? 


Also, for "Table width" / "Layout width", is there a difference between automatic and percentage? 


I have attached some screenshots for reference as well.


Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

17 - Castor

Hey @Vanessa_JWS, you'll likely want to play around with the Paper Size in your Render tool.


When it comes to Fixed vs Automatic, this is in relation to that. I.e. if you Fix a table at 5 inches by 5 inches, it'll only ever be that big, even if your paper size is enormous. Whereas, if you use percentage i.e. 50%, the table will always be 50% of the width of the paper size. Here's a quick example:


(Table is fixed at 50% width) - Render Paper Size is 10x10in:




Increasing Render Paper Size to 20x10in, maintaining 50% width:




Width is Fixed to 7 inches, Render Paper Size = 10x10in:




Render Paper Size increased to 20x10 in, Fixed width remains at 7 inches:




The truncation often comes from your Paper Size being too small so the field names get squished like in your [Bill to Country (2)] field. Like so:


Big enough Paper Size for the field names to be on one line:




Slightly smaller Paper Size - text becomes wrapped to fit field names:




Paper Size reduced even further - truncation begins (and you even get orange warnings):




Playing around with the width settings in the table tool, as well as finding a suitable paper size in the final render ought to remedy your issue and result in a report that you're happy with!

17 - Castor

Hi @Vanessa_JWS 


Please be informed that, you are facing the issue 1 as below.


> In your Render tool, you might have the default Paper Size as Letter.

But you have many columns to project in the Sheet1 and hence few headers are looking like missing details.

Eg. "Bill to Country (2)" becomes "Bill to Coun (2)".




However, it is only the display issue but you can see the full header details if you click on the Specific cell.

In the top cell, we can see the full header details, but in the virtual display in the cell the header looks like truncated.



Solution for 1:


Request to increase the Size by using Custom Size.


This will help to resolve the issue. You can select 14, 17, or even 20 based on your requirement.





If you believe your problem has been resolved. Please mark helpful answers as a solution so that future users with the same problem can find them more easily!!!!


Many thanks

Shanker V



17 - Castor

Hi @Vanessa_JWS 


Solution for 2:


You have only 2 columns displayed in Sheet2, but still the same default paper size letter is selected.

Hence both columns are spread across the full paper size 8.5" x 11" making the columns are very huge spread.


To overcome this issue, you need to again select Custom size and make 3" x 3" so that you can get the desired output.








If you believe your problem has been resolved. Please mark helpful answers as a solution so that future users with the same problem can find them more easily!!!!


Many thanks

Shanker V

8 - Asteroid

Thanks @DataNath ! I will try to play around with the Paper size and see if this resolves my issue!

8 - Asteroid

Hi @ShankerV 

This doesn't seem like just a display issue as the full text is not appearing in the top cell as well.




Am I missing something? Thanks

17 - Castor

Hi @Vanessa_JWS 


Now you will encounter the issue, where you are trying to render all 3 sheets in using same Render tool.


Changing one paper size will affect all the 3 sheets.


To overcome this issue, you can render all 3 sheets into same excel sheet with Block Until Done tool.


If you believe your problem has been resolved. Please mark helpful answers as a solution so that future users with the same problem can find them more easily!!!!


Many thanks

Shanker V


8 - Asteroid

Thanks @ShankerV . But I don't think I can change the customization as I have 3 sheets for output. And I can only select one layout for the render tool

17 - Castor

Hi @Vanessa_JWS 


Thanks @ShankerV . But I don't think I can change the customization as I have 3 sheets for output. And I can only select one layout for the render tool


For the above issue, the solution have been addressed.

Please find below.




Many thanks

Shanker V

8 - Asteroid


Sorry for the stupid question - can I ask whether I should put the Block until done tool at the location indicated by the red arrow below?








