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Memory Allocation error writing to Tableau hyper

5 - Atom

Has anyone experienced this memory allocation issue. It looks like the hyperd.exe is lost.


I have been reading the posts and have tried everything that I could find. My next step is to install the 2019.3 nonAdmin version that my colleagues use successfully.


Situation: Large data writes to Tableau hyper files result in 

"Error: Output Data (139): Cannot allocate 953942016 bytes of memory: exceeding allocation limit of 54002185012 bytes for global memory limit"
My observation is that Alteryx successfully output the yxdb (was at 100%) and the hyper outputfile showed 100% but the workflow was still running before the error was thrown.
Azure Virtual Machine: 
Disk 4TB
Alteryx Designer Admin: 2019.4.8.2207
Runs on colleagues machine with Alteryx Designer Admin: 2019.3,  less memory and output to network drive.
This is now a simple Input tool / output tool workflow
Variations that include  a select tool to change string to Wstring and a cleanse Tool.
I tired the following 
- Set Alteryx User Default Temporary Directory to 😧 drive
- Change Browse Everywhere Settings Memory Limit per Anchor from 1024 to 2048
- Changed Join/Sort Memory from 16383 to 32766MB caculated to 50% of memory
- RESULT: Error: Output Data (139): Cannot allocate 953942016 bytes of memory: exceeding allocation limit of 54002185012 bytes for global memory limit"
- Changed Join/Sort Memory from  32766 to 16383MB
- Changed Browse Everywhere Settings Memory Limit per Anchor to 1024
- Changed user memory to 8154
- RESULT: Error: Output Data (1): Cannot allocate 1620705280 bytes of memory: exceeding allocation limit of 54116211098 bytes for global memory limit
- Changed user memory to 2000
- Changed Join/Sort Memory to 4096
- Changed all string to Wstring and all v_string to v_Wstring
- RESULT: Error: Output Data (1): Cannot allocate 1620705280 bytes of memory: exceeding allocation limit of 54116211098 bytes for global memory limit
Current Activity:
Uninstall Alteryx Admin 2019.4 
Install Alteryx non-Admin 2019.3

Have you also tried an autofield before output? Sometimes this can also help.

5 - Atom

Hi Brandon,

The workflow scenarios. 

The one not shown was with just input -->autofield-->output.

And the last where the output was to a .tde that completed successfully.


it is interesting that the autofield actually changes some of the V_WString fields from the select tool back to V_String (Info: Auto Field (19): The FieldType of "My Adult Cat" changed to: V_String(20).






5 - Atom

The solution that I came up with was to break the creation of the .hyper file into 3 separate chunks.

This is really a work around because it runs in half the time on a colleagues machine.



