I want to use the "MakeDate" formula in my workflow and I´m getting the following error message:
Error: Formula (28): Parse Error at char(0): Unable to load dll: C:\ProgramData\App-V\B26005F6-7BC7-409A-9EA9-1B2904F87F46\BD96D875-4A38-421C-B5D5-78BC2C7A24C9\Root\bin\RuntimeData\FormulaAddIn\AlteryxAbacus.dll (Expression #5)
Can anyone help me sort what is going on? I was able to include and run the workflow fine some days ago, but today this came up. If for some reason this option can´t be used, is there any other alternative you may suggest? I need to combine year, month and date that are in separate columns.
Thanks in advance!
Can you use a formula to create a new column that does something like:
[Year Column]+ "-" + [Month Column] + "-" + [Day Column]
Note - my columns are strings. If yours are not you can change them with a select tool prior to the formula or you can wrap each of the column names in a ToString([Column]) in your formula.
I think you are missing this one. Try to install it.