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Make dynamic for mapping sheet in Workflow.

8 - Asteroid

Hello Team,


I have a mapping sheet where country code  and "Sale Type" and "Order Type" is mapped in a mapping sheet, attached for your reference.


What I am doing now?

1. Putting filter value for "Country Code" manually for each time I run the workflow.

2. Manually putting value for "Order Type: and "Sales Type" for next two filter.

3. Run the workflow for output


What I want.


1. One time I will put the "Country Code" in first filter manually

2. The next two filter ("Order Type" and "Sales Type") value for given "Country Code" should filled automatically.



Please help me on this.




9 - Comet

Hi @ajanayak,


What you are looking for here is not filter, but rather a join.


You can filter the country as it is, then join the country with the country in mapping to get the filter criteria. Then use the formula as below.


Contains([Purchase Orders], [Order Type]) AND Contains([Sales Orders], [Sales Type])


Purchase Orders and Sales Orders are coming from your mapping file, Order Type and Sales Type is coming from your data source.


Below is a snip how the workflow will look.



9 - Comet

Hi @ajanayak 


if that solved your question, do accept it as solution. Cheers!
