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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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LastAccess Time and LastWrite Time of a file

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Team,


I am looking to make an Alteryx macro that can read an excel file that contains the path and file names. Now from this list, I need to know the LastAccess Time, LastWrite time of these files.


Please help.


17 - Castor

Hey @N783970, can you expand on the request a bit more? You can get all of this from the Directory tool's output:




Do you want to add this info to the contents of the file once you've read it in? Not sure I fully understand.

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you for the reply @DataNath .Now the directory tool can only give the status of the files if the path is the same. My ask is, I have 5 different paths and 5 different files. I need the status of these 5 files from different paths. Now I can use 5 different directory tools. But what if the number of paths and files increase? Hence, I need to make a macro for the same where I can read from an excel file that contains the paths and the files names and then make a consise list of the status of these files.

20 - Arcturus

@N783970 If all these paths are having a common folder location then read that folder location using the directory tool (select the sub directory option) then filter out the path of the file you are looking for

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you for you reply @binuacs . Their paths have nothing in common. For example;

File 1; C:/Desktop/Folder1/File 1

File 2: D:/SubFolder1/Subfolder2/File 2.

20 - Arcturus

@N783970 Okay, I believe you have the list of directories, then you create a batch macro and feed the directory path and get the result. Attaching a sample reference







6 - Meteoroid

Thank You for your help. Modified the macro to help accommodate my ask.
