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Joining Worksheets with Different Schema

7 - Meteor



I am trying to join worksheets from the same Excel workbook so I can analyze the data and compute different figures. However, I'm still not extremely familiar with Designer yet and am having trouble getting the worksheets to join how I want them.


See screenshot - the DomSales and ForSales come from the second sheet, and the TaxHaven, NHavenCountries, and NCountries come from the third sheet in Excel. Some of them should be populated with information, for these first few records, but they are not populating. Instead, they are showing up as 'Null'.


I've attached the Excel and my current attempts at merging these data below, as well as the screenshot of my issue (see highlights and red circle).

Any help would be appreciated.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @AlexAlbro12 ,


It appears you are using a Union tool, which is the same as copying and pasting the data from each sheet below one another, which is not what you are trying to achieve.

I've replaced the Union with a Join Multiple, and joined the records on the following fields:




This results in records from each sheet being joined to each other. This means you are combining the records from each sheet for each record:




I've attached the workflow but you will need to re-point to your data.


I hope this helps,





7 - Meteor

I believe this works! Thank you very much.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

no problem.gif


8 - Asteroid



I have similar situation but I want to not have the the unique identifier showing multiple times only once then all the other fields, would it still be a multiple join?
