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JSON file extract

8 - Asteroid



I am looking to dynamically convert .json files in a folder to structured formatted excel. can anyone help on this.

6 - Meteoroid

It is easy to handle JSON with the JSON Parse tool. Look for it in the Developer tab, which has some examples of how to use it. If you have any issues using it -- let me know.


Please read it as a JSON file with the input tool and then use the JSON parse.


Below is a link to more information on the JSON Parse tool 

JSON Parse Tool | Alteryx Help

19 - Altair

I can never get input data to succesfully read in a .json file natively. I read it in as plain text/csv. I use \0 as my delimeter and greatly expand my feldsize. I think take my string field and throw ii tn json parse. then I apply some cleaning and some extracting of the item number. I use the item number for my record and then finally use a crosstab tool with that as my key and cleaned up column name field as my my filed names and my jsonstringvalue as my values.
