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Issues with Salesforce output?

5 - Atom

Hi there, 

I suddenly have all my workflows failing on the Salesforce Output node with "requested resource no longer exists", where previously they were working. Is anyone else having issues? Input nodes still work with same credentials, so I know it's not a credentials issue. I'm hoping there's a systemic issue I simply have to wait out or an update I need to apply in Alteryx. Or if any of you know the exact sequence of words I need to relay to my salesforce admins to restore functionality :)


Markup 2022-06-20 at 14.34.21.png

8 - Asteroid
6 - Meteoroid

Same problem. Have you made any progress on requesting your SFDC admin to update settings ?

8 - Asteroid

Same problem. Any details on this?

8 - Asteroid

Another potential option is to install the Alteryx Salesforce Output from Alteryx Community and try that instead. See here for details: Salesforce Output Tool | Alteryx Help

8 - Asteroid

Thank you, @mpurdy !

This got fixed by removing the tool from the workflow canvas and dragging a new one onto the canvas, punching in the SFDC server and credentials info and reattempt the login. It worked like this.

8 - Asteroid

Glad I could help.

I think if you are opening Workflows created by an older version of Alteryx you will have the original Salesforce Output and it doesn't support the Salesforce Lightning URLs.

But if you install the new Salesforce Output then it will work with Salesforce Lightning URLs.

If you right click on your Salesforce Output in your Workflow and check the "Open Macro: ..." details you can tell which version your Workflow is using. If it is "Supporting_Macros/SalesforceOutput.yxmc" then it is the original one and if it is "SalesforceOutput_v1.3.1/Supporting_Macros/SalesforceOutput.yxmc" then it is the new one.

5 - Atom

I was having this same issue but downloaded the newest version from the gallery and it fixed this issue however, a new issue came up. If I have a null date field in my data the new tool is automatically trying to convert that date to the Salesforce DateTime format and causes this error "INVALID_FIELD:Failed to deserialize field at col 15. Due to, 'T.000Z'.


I went in and modified the macro and it works fine now when I run locally. I still get the same error though when I run it from the gallery though. Any ideas?
