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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Is there an easier way to output a flight path to google earth?

5 - Atom

Hi All,

      I am new to Alteryx. I have a file with altitude, latitude, and longitude; I would like to export it out as a kml file. I guess I could do this treating it as an xml file but I was wandering if there was some other way I might have missed. I have not seen anything in the "Spatial" tab that seems like it could be used to export a path. Also, being able to export the path with the altitude is a must. 

12 - Quasar

Looks like Alteryx does not have built-in spacial tools to handle altitude.


For altitude in KML files, I was able to find:


If you can provide some sample data that represents your input file, and know what mode you want (relativeToGround, absolute, or relativeToSeaFloor), we can create a workflow to generate a KML file.

5 - Atom

I just wanted to add that I did come up with a solution. 
