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Intelligence Suite - Text summary - description summary

8 - Asteroid



I would need to get a summary of a short text after specific data is being brought to the attached format. 


Basically there are multiple postings from Finance which I grouped based on first 3 columns (Group, CC, Vendor) and concatenated the description (comma as separator). Based on this concatenation (description), I would like to have a very short summary of it for further analysis - just 5-7 words. I have created a new column - Expected summary, with what I would like to see. I does not necessarily need to be exactly the same, but basically to get a very short summary out of a specific text. 


I initially thought I could use the Text Summary from the Intelligence Suit, but I think it only works with big size of data, because it only returns to me exactly the same text.


Is there any other way that I could obtain this in Alteryx?


Thank you!


Screenshot 2024-04-18 144446.png


14 - Magnetar
8 - Asteroid

Unfortunately it is not an option. The information might be sensitive and Business will not approve use of Gemini for this. We have been already been warned about Chat GPT to not insert any real data when using it for any questions/help we might require.

14 - Magnetar

@stefaniadurdan not sure if you've read this article: 

This one is also interesting: 

Also this: 

The API potentially looks promising? 


All the best,

