Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Insufficient Memory - Memory Exception = Crash

13 - Pulsar



Is Alteryx just the most buggy software?


Why am I getting this?

System memory is 32GB.  

And, I have run MemTest86 all 4 cycles  (4hrs in total) = 0 errors.


Screenshot 2024-03-28 115538.pngScreenshot 2024-03-28 115558.png


Screenshot 2024-03-28 115951.pngScreenshot 2024-03-28 120040.png

13 - Pulsar

I notice that Adobe Acrobat is always open at the same time.  Sometimes Tableau (but not this time.)


RAM is DDR5  non ECC (from motherboard OEM compatibility list) ....multiple full length MemTest86 (no errors) 

15 - Aurora

is this solved?

If not, can you, please explain you concern in detail.

13 - Pulsar

Solved?  No 

My concern?  Reference the image above with the pop up that states "Insufficient Memory to continue the execution of this program."

Alteryx, fails (and only Alteryx).   Recovered workflow on opening Alteryx back up is good, but a pain.

More than sufficient resources allocated to Alteryx (18GB).  Only 40% of memory tasked.  
