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Input XLS / XLSX to output XLSB Template

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi all, 


As the title suggests. I’m looking to make a post here after discussions with Alteryx and also some friends on this matter. I’ve exhausted the search on the community for an answer and my use case is this: 


I have data streaming in from various sources, but in this instance, I will keep it simple as XLS or XLSX files. Then, I have an XLSB template that requires me to output certain values to certain cells in that XLSB. 

For example, I have the data from XLSX:


Date | Value

2023-08-08 | 78

2023-07-09 | 124


The | is the delimiter between data from XLSX. 

My XLSB template requires to summarize - group by Date and Sum by Value, then output to Cells C3:C


So C3:C means that it will always start at C3 and go all the way down dynamically as some datasets have more or less dates to group by. 

At the moment, let’s assume that in the XLSB, the C3:C cells are painted yellow and formatted on Excel as numeric. 

I have been told that Blob Input and Blob Output may not work the best here as it’s not an XLSX template. But I am not sure if this is the case - can anyone also confirm this?


Appreciate all brainstorm on this and hoping to raise this so that it appears on SEO!


Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Just keen to see a ranged version if you can show an example @flying008 ! Say D3:D7? I’ve tried and it shows up as an error. I might be missing the syntax!

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
14 - Magnetar

Hi, @caltang 


If you want to use range to output, may .xlsb be converted to .xlsx file format in advance. otherwise, the use of named range is an alternative approach( syntax like '.\abc.xlsb|||`nm_Data`').


At the moment, almost all versions have the most extensive support for .xlsx formats.
