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InboundNamedPipe GetOverlappedResult: The pipe has ended error

5 - Atom

Hi - I'm new to alteryx and am getting this error  "Designer x64 The Designer x64 reported: InboundNamedPipe GetOverlappedResult: The pipe has been ended. ¶" when I try to load my datafile.


There were no issues loading the previous version of this datafile. Does this mean an error in the new yxdb datafile shared with me or some issue with increased size?


Appreciate all the help on this - thanks!Error photo.PNG

17 - Castor
17 - Castor



This isn't a very descriptive error message, so I don't have an exact answer here. That being said, let's try a few things. This thread has a very good strategies that are worth considering: 


TL:DR: This could be related to the read or write source being confused with a different version/file. Try saving the new file in a new folder/directory and try again.


Also, some more information might be helpful like sharing more information on the file/sample data, or where this data is created/hosted, and other situation-specific info.

5 - Atom

Thank you! I looked through the other threads and looks like there were some issues downstream in all of those cases.


For me, Alteryx is just not able to even read the file. This is a refreshed version of the data I used to build the flow, and earlier version is working great.


As you can see on the left, I see a preview of the data, but it spits out the error when it runs. I am also unable to copy the numbers in a different file and use it since its so big ( Is there a limit to how big a datafile can be in alteryx?


I'm at my wits end trying to solve this. Thanks so much for your help!





5 - Atom

Thanks Charlie. I read through the other thread, but looks like those are more downstream issues with writing an output file etc. Strangely, Alteryx is throwing out that error when i just try to read an input file.


Context - i have a flow built in with previous version of the data (which is working great). I want to use the refreshed data with 5 months added in. I've tried changing directory of input file and alteryx flow but nothing seems to work.


However, I'm able to see the yxdb file when i open it (screenshot below).




I can also see the preview of the data in the sidebar, but when I run the flow - I get the inboundpipe error. My file is 2.2GB (too big to copy to another source) - is this too big for alteryx?





Is there some other workaround for this that i can use?


I'm at my wits end here and appreciate all the help!!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thanks for that information.


The size shouldn't be a problem, I've created/used 30GB+ yxdb files in the past (but I don't typically recommend that for performance reasons; go Calgary or database). 


Next two questions:

- Can you place a Record Limit on the Input tool and see if a sample of the records will load.

- There's a potential for some AMP compatibility issues in .yxdb, have you tried your workflow with/without AMP?

5 - Atom

Thanks, Charlie.


The data does load with a record limit. Did a little bit of trial and error - the same error starts popping up again at ~240k (266MB). For reference, the previous version of this file (that's loading properly) was 8M rows (1.7GB).


When I check the "Use AMP Engine", I get the below error and a bunch of warnings. I've never this before.




8 - Asteroid

I fixed this error just by closing the Alteryx file and reopening it then re-running my workflow. I had another program that had queried one of the workflow's output files, so possibly it was locked up by windows.

8 - Asteroid

Closing the workflow and reopening it was a temporary fix and doesn't always work. I do have several outputs on my workflow and perhaps it creates problems, they are writing to separate tables in a database and separate excel files. I don't know what the problem is.

5 - Atom

In my case I had a template xlsb Excel binary file in wich the workflow should "delete and append" into it.

I solved this error after re-saving my template creating a new destination sheet on it and get rid of the old one that somehow was causing this strange error. 
