I am currently encountering an issue where I have excel formulas formatted as dates in excel, which means when I import to Alteryx I am losing the data.
Below are example screenshots using fake data showcasing the issue. On sheet 1 (being imported into alteryx) cell Sheet 1 B2 is referencing Sheet 2 B2 on sheet 2, where both are formatted as dates:
When I import into alteryx:
I am creating a macro to input hundreds of these excels so manually changing the format is in each excel is not an attractive option. I have attached the example Excel to this post. Anyone have any ideas?
One more note on this. I found that if I use the Excel Legacy driver on the input, Alteryx picks up the values of these cells as displayed. See https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Knowledge-Base/How-to-Enable-Microsoft-Excel-Binar... for how to enable the Excel Legacy driver as it is not installed by default with Alteryx currently.