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If Statement - Invalid type in operator

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone,


could someone explain why there is an invalid type in operator in my if statement? 


Thank you in advance.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @julianhoetzel,


It looks that % of total payables aging is in string format.


Change it to a number and it should work(of course remove to string formula).


If this helped please mark my post as a solution!

13 - Pulsar

The field % of total Payables Aging is a string value thus not allowing you to do numeric comparisons (greater than in this case). You must change the type to double or use the tonumber() to temporarily fix this for this expression you have written out.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I count 3 locations that can be improved.
See the markup below.

Screenshot 2020-12-22 005446.png1222-julianhoetzel.PNG
