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If Is Null Logic

8 - Asteroid

Good afternoon all,


I have what is hopefully a simple question. I have some logic that groups various forms of customer names by a uniform naming convention. It is based off the spread sheet attached. However, my logic leaves the customer name blank if its not listed in the attached spreadsheet instead of using the default destination name. Is there a way to fix that? Below is the logic I am using and the spreadsheet i am using. any help would be greatly appreciated. 



If IsNull([Group_Name]) then [destination_name] else [Group_Name] endif

18 - Pollux

On your data upload - the field is called Group Name - not Group_Name so your if statement won't work.


If IsNull([Group Name]) then [Grouping Logic] else [Group Name] endif  - works. This is set up to overwrite your group name field.


If this doesn't help could you upload a different data sample?

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus


Agree with @apathetichell Maybe you are trying to do something like fuzzy match?

It will be better you can provide a sample input and output for us to better understand your question.

8 - Asteroid

Below is the sample flow. 


I don't think the logic is the problem. I think the problem I am having is the find replace tool farther down the flow. 

8 - Asteroid

I changed the column name from Group name to group_name in the select tool up stream in the flow. 

14 - Magnetar



Issue why your expression isn't working is because the Data Cleanse tool you have ends up converting NULL fields to BLANK.


Instead of using IsNull, use IsEmpty. This qualifies both NULL's and BLANKS whereas IsNull only qualifies NULL.





If IsEmpty([Group_Name]) then [destination_name] else [Group_Name] endif






Actually that may not be your issue since unmatched from your Find Replace tool would have produced a NULL value. Would likely need to see what the data coming from your LOAD (Dynamic Input) tool is producing and what you're expecting the results to look like vs. actual.


8 - Asteroid

that did it along with removing a find and replace tool that was downstream in my full workflow. 
