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[INTERACTICE CHART QUESTIONS] Combining Batched Charts into One Chart for Each Company

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone!


I'm trying to combine the batched charts into just one regular chart. The reason that I used the batched chart is that I want to show the data by quarter. Batched charts allow me to batch my data into quarters. However, I don't know how to combine those batches together with just one graph for one company. The reason for this I want to see how much #shares change between the previous quarter and the current quarter.

For the graph

I want to like this:

Quarter and Year on the X SIDE

#of shares on the Y side


* I also don't want them to AUTOSUM my numbers. BECAUSE the data is already SUM.  <I wonder if we can disable AUTOSUM for the graph.


I'm also wondering if we can create a tool for filtering the company and quarter (like Tableau). I'm not sure if Alteryx is able to do that, but I would like to know the possible solution.

I hope someone can help me with this, please!! I attached my workflow. The graph should be the second one on the graph bin. thank you!

8 - Asteroid

I hope someone who is kind can help me with this. I've been trying and got no luck :(

14 - Magnetar

Hi @rively90, it took some time to do all I wanted to do. Here it is.


  1. I noticed you were copying and pasting the same process over and over, one for each sheet within the file. This is not ideal, I then changed it to a single stream. The approach I took is valid as long as the layout of the sheets keep the same. If they ever change, you need to change this to a macro approach to read the sheets. 
  2. I used a lookup table to determine the relationship between the sheet name and the corresponding quarter, as this information is not available within the original file.
  3. Remove unwanted values before changing the field type to avoid conversion errors.
  4. No need to make sure the field has only numbers if the field type is already set to a numeric type (double).
  5. You need a single field with year and quarter to get the chart you want.
  6. Disable AMP Engine as it has some bugs with charts.
8 - Asteroid

Hi Gabriel!


Thank you for taking the time to help me. I appreciate it!


1,2,3,4,5. I appreciate your feedback. This is actually my first-week using Alteryx. I'll use those feedback to be more efficient in the future.

6. Did you know how to disable AMP Engine?



14 - Magnetar

Hey @rively90, welcome to Alteryx then! 


You can disable the AMP engine under the Workflow Configuration > Runtime settings. As a note, I ran the workflow today with AMP and I did not have any issues. Inconsistent bug. 


