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I need to separate data that i grouped by in order to compare one column

8 - Asteroid

Hi Community! been a few weeks and now I am back with a tricky question.


I have grouped data and now I have a data set similar to this:


Pricing      Cost     Volume      Value         Name           Change

1                      0            0               0               ABC               -0.2

1                      0            0               0               DBC               -0.1

1                      0            0               0               XYZ               +0.7

1                      1            0               0               ABC               -0.4

1                      1            0               0               DBC               -0.7

1                      1            0               0               XYZ               +0.9

1                      0            3               0               ABC               -0.1

1                      0            3               0               DBC               -0.6

1                      0            3               0               XYZ               +0.5

My goal is to review the change differences for each "name" column that has the same pricing, cost, volume and value.

How could I do approach this?
Thank you so much!


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @nataliad18 


It maybe be something like this. Can you provide some sample input and expected output it will help us get a better understanding of the usecase.




Hope this helps : )


8 - Asteroid

This looks great, but I need to keep all data for each "Name" and compare all the values within those pricing, value, costs etc..

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @nataliad18 


Can you provide the expected output it will help us get a better understanding of the usecase.

8 - Asteroid

Yes - so the input is actually thousands of rows and it is not as "clean" as the one i posted. My output expectation would be similar, but it can also be several outputs (as many as there are same "groups" of values, i.e it could be 

Pricing      Cost     Volume      Value         Name           Change

1                      0            0               0               ABC               -0.2

1                      0            0               0               DBC               -0.1

1                      0            0               0               XYZ               +0.7


Pricing      Cost     Volume      Value         Name           Change

1                      1            0               0               DBC               -0.7

1                      1            0               0               ABC               -0.4

1                      1            0               0               XYZ               +0.9


Pricing      Cost     Volume      Value         Name           Change

1                      0            3               0               DBC               -0.6

1                      0            3               0               ABC               -0.1

1                      0            3               0               XYZ               +0.5


The eventual goal is to also identify the "outliers", i.e if the change is smaller or bigger than 2% of the average change of that "group".

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @nataliad18 


Try this workflow out.




Hope this helps : )


8 - Asteroid

Perfect - thanks!


Will accept it as a solution in a minute, but before a quick question, is there a way to then just work with data in one of the tables? (i.e will just take the first table and want to identify the changes below or above 2% average of all changes) 

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @nataliad18 


You can use the Tile tool it will number the groups for you. You can use a filter and select each group. 





Hope this helps : )


8 - Asteroid

Thanks a lot! Appreciated!

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Happy to help : ) @nataliad18 

Cheers and have a nice day!
