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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to upload a file at collection or on the page level on Gallery by giving a link?

5 - Atom

How to upload a file at collection or on the page level on Gallery by giving a link?

8 - Asteroid

Where do you want to upload your file? Not on the app interface? 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @er_ankit_singh,


In order to upload a workflow to Alteryx Gallery or a collection on the Alteryx Gallery, you must connect within Designer first by going to File --> Save As --> Alteryx Server --> Add new server and paste in the Gallery URL.


Once you add the connection, you can click File --> Save As --> Alteryx Server --> Gallery connection to save to Gallery/My Workspace/ Studio.


From here you can add the workflow/file to collections.


Hope this helps. If it does, please like this post and mark it as a solution. Please let us know if you have any questions.
