Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to save multiple outputs into a single folder location (a shared folder) as an app

8 - Asteroid

Hi Alteryx Community,


I have tried and tried, but I cannot seem to figure out how to do this.


I need to take several outputs and save them in a user specified folder. I tried the folder browser interface tool, but that does not seem to work because for some reason it says I do not have access. Please note the folder is on a shared drive.


Please help.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Iggypop ,


Are you using the Alteryx gallery or an regular analytical app in designer?

Would you be able to share some screenshots showing the configuration of your action tool and also the form with the path generated in 'folder browse'? 



Fernando V.

8 - Asteroid

hi @fmvizcaino see attached, not sure what you mean by the form with the path generated in folder browse?

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Iggypop, building on @fmvizcaino point, if you are running this Analytical App on your local desktop with the Designer license it should work as intended.


If you are attempting to run the workflow with a Folder Browse interface tool on the server, it will not work and that is by design.


Are you running this workflow on your local desktop or via the Gallery?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Iggypop ,


Since you are only leaving the user the ability to select the folder, you need to check the option to 'replace a specific string' in the bottom of your action tool and only replace the path removing the name of file + sheet from the option.





Fernando Vizcaino
