Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to input data UP UNTIL a specific (variable) row

8 - Asteroid



I have a dataset the looks somewhat like the below. Data always starts on row 3 which is easy to configure in Input Data Tool. 

Data also always ends right before row TOTAL, but that is always variable meaning in my example data ends in row 13 but it can be row 1,000 or 1,428 or 433,219 or really any number depending on how dataset is generated.


How can tell Alteryx to input data always starting at row 3 but up until one row before "TOTAL", whatever row number that is?




13 - Pulsar

Something like this could work...

13 - Pulsar

Unfortunately, there is no configuration item in the Input tool to accomplish your need. So you will have to filter after the fact. @TimN 's solution should work fine, as will this alternative, which is a little shorter:


8 - Asteroid

Thank you TimN. I explored your suggestion and it worked. Appreciate it

8 - Asteroid

Thank you AndrewDMerrill,


I liked your solution but the Boolean OR || operator is confusing me so I wrote the expression in a way that made better sense to me (see below) and the results seem to be the same. While this should suffice b/c I got the results I wanted, i wondered if there is an "advantage" to using Boolean OR || in this case. I'm in the early stages of learning Alteryx and understanding differences like this help a lot.


Andrew's: IF [Period] = "Total" || [Row-1:RecordID] = -1 THEN -1 ELSE [Row-1:RecordID]+1 ENDIF

Mine: IF [Period] = "Total" THEN -1 ELSE [Row-1:RecordID]+1 ENDIF
