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How to get yesterday's date in a Formula tool

8 - Asteroid

Hello all,


I am trying to create a workflow that will send an attachment by email every day. The filename changes reflecting yesterdays date in the filename. So the report send today would have this file name: Report_2015_12_22.csv (also note the underscores being used in the date)


I am using a Text Input tool to get the name of the attachment and then using a Formula tool to replace the date part in the attachment field. If the file name was using today's I would have already fixed it using this formula: 'C:\Apps\' + 'Report_' + Replace(DateTimeToday(),"-","_") + '.csv'

The output is C:\Apps\Report_2015_12_23.csv.


However to get yesterday's date in and replace the hyphens with underscores I am stuck and cannot get it to work.


I've attached a sample workflow and report.


Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

Thanks in advance!



edit: changed extension used

8 - Asteroid

Colleague helped me out already:


'C:\Apps\' + 'Report_' + DateTimeFormat(DateTimeAdd(DateTimeToday(),-1,"days"), "%Y_%m_%d") + '.csv'

8 - Asteroid

This is so helpful when I tried to figure out why number age group changes comparing with yesterday's number.

Thank you so much!!

@RoelEsselink wrote:

Colleague helped me out already:


'C:\Apps\' + 'Report_' + DateTimeFormat(DateTimeAdd(DateTimeToday(),-1,"days"), "%Y_%m_%d") + '.csv'

