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How to get my batch macro to have two filter control parameters

7 - Meteor

I'm having an issue where I have this batch macro that runs a data file and outputs a file for each Fund Name but I want it to break out each Fund Name file with separate sheets in Excel by Company Short Name. So far I can only get it to work with one control parameter by Fund Name. Attached is my current package. The screenshot below is what I was trying to do but it doesn't work as the macro only has two inputs. The Fund XX Excel attached is my desired output (Excel by Fund Name and each tab by Company Short Name).



two control paramaters.png

12 - Quasar

@nfontenot - you should be able to handle this in the table & render tools. You'd need to keep Company Short Name in your data within the macro and group by that in the Table tool, then group by that again in the Render tool


7 - Meteor

@Bren_Spill Can you post a solution? I'm not seeing how table/render tool will fix this because my issue is I need to transpose/crosstab my data right before rendering. After transpose/crosstab the data is not in the format to break up sheet names by Company Short Name. So the only logic I could figure out to do was a batch macro by Fund Name and Company Short Name then combine at the end of the render process. 

20 - Arcturus

@nfontenot Updated workflow attached



7 - Meteor

@binuacs awesome, thank you!! Works pretty much as I was hoping for. Only one slight formatting issue. Now the segregated fields that are on other tabs are showing up like this. Is there a work around to fix this?


blank fields.png




20 - Arcturus

@nfontenot these fields are part of both EPIC and FACTS, you cannot remove them from the output 
