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How to find a String and bring the next 5 strings next to it?

11 - Bolide

Hello Guys.

I am trying to retrieve some data based on two strings: "Alq" and "IR".

The ideia here is, Alteryx finds the string "IR" or "ALQ" within a field, once it detects it should bring the words next to it.

So for this example:

IR RECOLHIDO PELO CLIENTEx000D_I.R. R$: 29,610.43_x000D_Alq.: 15%


Alteryx finds "IR". Then it should bring the next 20 words so a new field is created with "IR RECOLHIDO PELO CLIENTE" and the same thing with "ALQ" but with 10 words only.

Is it possible? I tried using Findstring and CONTAIN but I can think of any formula to bring words next to it.


13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @Joker_Hazard 

You certainly can achieve it with Regex under Parse mode. Assuming that IR always come before Alg

The Regex string can be something like



11 - Bolide

Hello @DawnDuong .

I feel like REGEX is one of the best tools in Alteryx, but at the same time one of most unpopular tools. Such interesting things can be created with it. 

I tried replicating that to my workflow, but for some reason it comes as blank: Would you know if I'm missing something?



13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

For this example You need fo use it under parse mode, to extract the 2 groups 


11 - Bolide

@DawnDuong I tried and its still coming as blank. I'm very sorry, I'm not accustomed to use REGEX tool.

Can you guide me through it? I attached my sample

11 - Bolide

Anyone can help me pls?


13 - Pulsar

Hi @Joker_Hazard ,


The problem is that if what follows Alq is not at least 10 characters long, the regex pattern is not going to match. ( Find attached the workflow )


If you want to match at most the 10 characters that follow Alq, you can use the pattern {1,10} to say that you retrieve all the values ​​after within the limit of 10 characters.


In our case, we have Alq.: 15% so less than 10 characters after the Alq. So pattern {10} will not work.


Is that clear enough and good enough for you?



11 - Bolide

it sure is Mr Goku. Thank you very much!!!

13 - Pulsar



Funny 😁... You're welcome dear !
