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How to connect Alteryx and Oracle Cloud REST API ?

5 - Atom

Hi Experts,


I am looking for a way to connect Alteryx to Oracle Fusion Cloud either through Oracle Cloud Rest APIs or any delivered Connector. Please let me know if anybody has worked on such requirement or have any ideas? Your help would be greatly appreciated.


FYI : We already looked through below link but not useful in our scenario : 


Thank you,



19 - Altair

That's for an Oracle DB. Oracle FAH/Cloud runs off of Oracle ADW as a back end - which requires a) a level of access your info sec probably won't give you and b) a JDBC driver (not supported in Alteryx).


To connect to FAH/Fusion Cloud use the REST API. There are instructions on how to construct an API Call here:


Service account (Base 64 authorization) is required to authenticate. IMPORTANT: include the content_type parameters for the specific content_type of the resources.

7 - Meteor

Hi Gunjan,


Casabase Software, an Alteryx technology partner, has exactly the solution you are looking for. Please check out the following URL for more information and contact us if interested in discussing further!




Carr Harriman

Casabase Software

5 - Atom

Hi @Gunjan_Bobade  Are you able to achieve any success in the same . I'm also looking for the same solution.

19 - Altair

@ashishsehgal What are you trying to do? You cannot follow instructions to connect to an Oracle DB or connect to Oracle Fusion/FAH/Financials. They are entirely different. If you are connecting to Fusion - follow my post - get your api credentials and use the API. 

5 - Atom

I want to do the same thing want to create an automation to upload  "Example 2: UploadFileToUCM Operation" using alteryx. right now I'm using python in Alteryx to achieve it I want to do it using just  Alteryx download tool.

Doing this first time so need your help

19 - Altair

Hey - what kind of error messages are you getting? the instructions are pretty straight forward if you've built this in python. Just make sure to set your content-type (whether that's application/json or application/


5 - Atom

I was getting error due to payload. I found that the problem was with the blob conversion process. I was trying to convert data into Base64 encoding, but it wasn't happening properly.

When I checked the encoding done by Python and compared it to the encoding from Alteryx's blob converter, I saw extra spaces in the Alteryx version. I removed these spaces, and now it's working well.

But now, I'm wondering why the same file converts without any issues in Python, but has problems when I try to convert it using Alteryx's blob converter.
