Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to combine/pull multiple excel sheets with the same schema in one tab

9 - Comet

Hi All, 


We have an excel file with multiple excel sheets with the same schema. We want to pull all the tabs in one tab. We used the dynamic input tool and the output tool but it's not working. I have done it before but it's not working this time. Hope you can help.


Please see the sample file and the workflow. 

16 - Nebula

Hi @blin ,


In case all field names are the same across all tabs, then you probably don't need the batch macro but you can import all sheets by using a dynamic input tool.


You can find more on how to do that in the thread mentioned above


Hope that helps, let me know if you need any help to make this work.




11 - Bolide

Hi @AngelosPachis This works fine for me. But I see the the number of line items I get in the output is more then what it is in the excel input. I also see some line items missing from the output. Any idea why?


Thanks in Advance!

7 - Meteor

Now it's been years but here goes: I love Alteryx's powerful features but it needs quite a bit of basic automation. Just look at the complicated mess of all these suggestions just to union some sheets! By contrast I can drop an Excel with ten tabs into Tableau and it automatically makes a Union without asking me a thing. Yes the columns are named the same from tab to tab--same schema. Tableau can't hold a candle to Alteryx in many other ways of course, but why not have Alteryx match the things it does right? For our convenience? Why do we have to still specify fussy little things? And not only that--if the schemas were a bit different, why can't Alteryx just prompt us for how we want to deal with little differences? C'mon, Man!
