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How to change values in Column A, based on condition in Column B

6 - Meteoroid

Hi I am trying to change values in Column B based on criteria met in Column A.




For example, I want Column B to update each row B where the first 3 letters in Column A are read as "REC"


and I want Column B to update each row S where the first 3 letters are read as "Pay"

11 - Bolide

Hi @cambiukpytou_dup_420 


Assuming you just want to populate the data from A into B you could try a formula tool using Column B as the output column:


if Left([Column A], 3) = "Rec" then [Column A]
elseif Left([Column A], 3) = "Pay" then [Column A]
else Null()

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I was about to post something but @AndrewS called it. As an alternative, you could use StartsWith([Column A], "Rec").



11 - Bolide

@TonyA  - I forgot about StartsWith. I tend to stick to the old excel style formulas and I need to go beyond these. 


@cambiukpytou_dup_420  To avoid a truncate warning, if FieldB is read in as only a string length of 1 you might need to add a select tool and set the length a bit higher to accommodate the new data.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi AndrewS

No i do not want to populate from A into B. I want data in B to be as
described based on conditions in Column A.

For example,

If Column A has the first 3 letters REC, then I want that same row item in
Column B to say "B".
If ColumnA has the first 3 letters Pay, then i want the same row item in
column B to say "S".

6 - Meteoroid

So then the formula was have a expression as 


If StartsWith([Column A], "Rec"), then [Column B] = "B" ----?


Please imagine that Column B is actually blank. I left the B and S in there to show everyone what i want the output to look like.


Would this generate a B, for every Rec in column A?

11 - Bolide

Hi @cambiukpytou_dup_420 


You just need to change the original formula to:


if Left([Column A], 3) = "Rec" then "B"
elseif Left([Column A], 3) = "Pay" then "S"
else Null()

6 - Meteoroid

hey @AndrewS 


With the output column set to Column B. Got it thanks!!
