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How to capture Error Message and send mail to the user

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I have created one Alteryx flow which using Control Container to maintain sequential execution.


Can you please suggest how to capture error message when Alteryx Flow fails and send email with the same message to the user.


Please suggest!!




8 - Asteroid

Hi @amsrivastav


You can do that following the steps below: 


1) Click on the whitespace of the canvas on the workflow


2) In the configuration window, go to events 


3) Click on Add , Send Email 


then you can leave the body and the subject as it and test it for yourself first and then change on how you think it needs to look 


Please mark as a solution if it helps 



8 - Asteroid

Hi Swathi,


Thanks for the reply.


I am looking forward to capturing the error message and then send the same error message over the mail.


Below solution works well if i want to send HARD CODED message every time error occurs.


Please suggest!!



11 - Bolide

Hi, @amsrivastav .


That code isn't exactly hard-coded. At runtime, Alteryx will replace everything between the % signs with the proper info.


For example: If your workflow does encounter an error, the portion that reads %OutputLog% will be replaced by the actual output log at runtime.

8 - Asteroid

@amsrivastav can you elaborate on what exactly you need to capture

8 - Asteroid


I need to capture error detail when ever alteryx flow fails.




5 - Atom

Check out this article.. There does not seem to be a way to use the email tool to send but can set up the on failure send email event::
Solved: results message - Alteryx Community

15 - Aurora

@amsrivastav Make sure you  change run events on thing as i can see this is Disabled into the image.

5 - Atom

Instead of the full output log, is there a variable that only sends the lines containing the error that cause the workflow to run with error? Thank you. 


Example: From the output below, only want to send "00:00:02.972 - Error - User Canceled" in the email.

Started running test_workflow.yxmd at Mon May  6 06:28:57 2024

00:00:00.000 - Alteryx: Running at a Low Priority.

00:00:00.004 - RunId - Alteryx: [RunId]

00:00:00.011 - WorkflowId - Alteryx: [WorkflowId]

00:00:00.049 - ToolId 18: Alias translated to odbc:DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};DATABASE=dbTEST;SERVER= dsTEST;Trusted_Connection=yes;ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly|||select dbTEST.tblTEST.* from dbTEST.tblTEST

00:00:00.199 - ToolId 18: ODBC Driver version: 03.80

00:00:02.972 - Error - User Canceled
