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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to Dynamically change ID and PW in Input tool for SQL server connection.

5 - Atom




We built a good number of workflows for data validation of a SQL server database.  Type of Connection is OLEDB,  because we had issues sharing ODBC connections between developers.    The connections are all hard coded, Database server, Database, SQL Server Account ID and PW.   We will be doing the same data validation on UAT.   with so many connections to maintain, would love a solution that we could Dynamically change our connections including ID and PW when moving to UAT.   This would mean Database server would need to change, and database ID and Password as well.  


What have I been able to do so far?

I created an Analytic App, and now I can Dynamically change, database server, Database and even Table.  I am confident I can change the database user ID too.  


What do I need Help with?

How to change the SQL Server PW dynamically when connecting to UAT from Dev?


Attached is snapshot of the workflow/Analytic App 












