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How to Convert workflow to Batch Macro

6 - Meteoroid

My workflow consists of a text input that feeds a bucket name and object name to a formula tool and this information is then sent to an AWS upload tool. The other part of the AWS upload tool is the EPV connection, and the EPV connection is also connecting to a dynamic input tool which connects to a database and runs a query on that database. I want to make this workflow a batch macro, but am having troubles trying to determine where to put macro input / macro output tools when there are no specific outputs for the AWS upload macro. 


20 - Arcturus

@kevb  Add a control tool from the interface pallet and connect to the text input lightning anchor. once the control parameter added it will become batch macro



6 - Meteoroid

Thank you for your response! If I didn’t want to make any changes to the text input, would the control parameter be enough?
