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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How can you use the "R" tool to take details from 3 separate Excel files and combine?

5 - Atom

Here is our required process. We are stuck on steps 3 and 4. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks!


Step 1 - Upload 3 password protected files to folder.
Step 2 - Process password to open files inside Alteryx.
Step 3 - Use R tool to take the details from the 3 files and combine into a single file and add one column to capture the file name on each line item.
Step 4 - Output as a single Excel file with a password.


5 - Atom

Screen shot attached.

11 - Bolide

You need to install the R Package for it. I've attached a workflow below to do this. Please follow these steps to be able to install it.


1. Open the workflow and run it as an Analytic App.




2. Type out the name of the library you need to install, which is



3. This will let you know it was installed. Close it out and run the password locked workflow again and you should be able to run it without problems.





5 - Atom

Thank you for the response. Unfortunately we're still receiving the same error message. Could the issue be related to the python code? (see attachment). Thanks again!
