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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How Do I add new columns to a file based on referencing data from another source?

7 - Meteor



I am brand new to Alteryx and I am trying to figure out how to add information from one file to another without overwriting the information. I have a set of dates that I would like to append company fiscal month and year numbers into new columns. I would like to add columns B and C to the file that has column A in it. 



17 - Castor

Hi @rdanella 


Please make use of Join tool and Union tool as below in the use case.




Many thanks

Shanker V

14 - Magnetar

@rdanella when you use the Input Data tool. It brings data into the workflow. When you click run, it will not write out to that file and overwrite it (unless you use the Output Data tool and tell it to).

For instance:
1) Point it to the file to bring in the data to the workflow



2) Add the formulas you need: I think mine are calculating what you want? If not, you can alter them. Afterwards, once you're happy. You can connect the formula tool to the Output Data tool and write out to a new file. The original one is still preserved UNLESS you direct the Output Tool to the same file path as the original file.





14 - Magnetar

@rdanella I misread the problem. If you're bringing two data sources together; @ShankerV 's approach is great here. 

