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Help with Inputting excel files in a folder with different sheet names.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


I am having trouble inputting all my files into the workflow in a straightforward way since each Excel file is for a unique company.  Each excel file has the company name as the sheet name, therefor, when I use a wildcard in the Input tool "\*.xlsx", it will only load 1 of the Excel files since it is the name of the first sheet in the first excel file.  Is there a way to get around this?  I would hate to go in and modify each of the excel files' sheets to rename them as Sheet1 so that the input tool could bring them all in.  



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You can read in the list of sheet names from the files in the folder (using a directory + dynamic input), then append those sheets onto the full path, and then read in the full paths with the sheets on them

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You'll have to do something like this first:Solved: Dynamic Input - List of Excel Sheet Names - Alteryx Community

6 - Meteoroid

@alexnajm thanks for the response.  However, this does not fully help me get to the goal in mind.  The Directory input only provides me file names.  The Input tool provides me the list of names of each sheet and with the "Output filename as field" set to Yes, if provides me the full path but it has <List of sheet names> after the pipes.  I'd have to go out of my way to parse and append the filepath pieces.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@fdiazlemus The Directory tool also provides a Full Path column! In addition, you can output the Full Path in the Dynamic Input tool so you can use it to replace the "<List of Sheet Names>" with the actual sheet name
