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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Connectors not grabbing

8 - Asteroid

Hello - Is anyone else having issues with grabbing connectors since the last Designer update? I thought it was just me, but my coworker confirmed the same issue. It's maddening. Alteryx is interpreting connector grabs as area select instead of grabbing the connector. It seems to happen most often with tools that have two outputs (from Filter, Unique, Join, etc.). I created a screen capture video to demonstrate, but I am unable to upload it to the post.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I've noticed it too, but it also seems that spacing out my tools a bit more fixed the recurrence of it happening!

8 - Asteroid

Thank you! I have come up with some workarounds. Would be nice if this gets fixed.

8 - Asteroid

Commenting just to add another voice; this is happening to me too
