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Grouping ungroup option in Excel output

5 - Atom

In my workflow am generating the excel output file. The requirement is "Grouping the rows and Ungrouping the rows" option required in the excel output file through the Alteryx workflow. Is there any method is available to generate the excel Output with grouping and ungrouping option ?.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I dont think Alteryx has the function as your requirement, which is the Excel function.

Maybe it is possible to run a VBA bat for your requirement after outputting the Excel.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Simple answer - no - this is not something that is easy to do using native functionality.


Some options:

  • Pump the data out to MS Access or some other database and then refer to this in excel with a pre-formatted sheet
  • Pump the data into a named range on a hidden sheet, and then refer to the data in your main sheet - but it's very clunky.
  • You may also have some luck by doing some scripting or manually trying to hack the Excel file (Excel files are actually XML zipped files)
  • Try some scripting solution on the file afterwards (like a powershell script)

All of these are pretty heavy-weight solutions and will require an investment of your time to make this slick.


By far the better solution would be to use Tableau for data viz - that way you can control rollups and filters really easily.
