I have a data I need to group by week ranges at the same time copy the data files.
Below are my data sets. I need to group column E by it's week ranges.
If there are dates from 6/13(sunday)- 6/19( saturday). I need them grouped along with the corresponding data.
Please assist with your inputs 🙂
Hi @timoyd
You can use the formula DateTimeFormat([DateTime_Out],'%U') to output the weeknumber (Week starting on Sunday). You can then group by this field. There are some nulls in your DateTime_Out field that you may want to fix first, or filter them out.
Here's a handy cheat sheet for Date Time functions: https://help.alteryx.com/current/designer/datetime-functions
Hello @DavidP thank you for the input. I probably wasn't clear.
I need them to be grouped by the exact weeks from there i need to count how many instances happened
week of 6/20-6/26....
Hope that helps
hi @timoyd ,
@DavidP is right, firstly you need to clean your column with dates on which you want to perform grouping.
In [Email received date from requestor] there are several types of data values like: 2021-06-07 07:35:00 - it;s OK, but in the same time there are 5/28/2021 or 5/26/21 or 26, 2021 6:13 AM
I recommend you to clean this data to receive standardized format: yyyy-mm-dd.
Then you can apply workflow which I created for you (see attached). This contains little workround for beggining of the year, but it works.
But as I said it works but as long as some dates are missed (null()) after DateTime tool, it need to be corrected firstly.
let me know if ti is helpful
This is awesome and just what I need! thank you @KarolinaRoza