I am trying to important multiple excel sheets that have the same schema. The workbook contains a sheet for each state and territory.
I used How To: Import Multiple Excel Sheets to configure my Input and Dynamic Input Tools.
However, I am only able to import 41 of the 53 sheets.
For each missed sheet, I receive an error similar to the one below.
Error: Dynamic Input (2): The file "D:\AllStatesAndTerritories_03312021 copy.xlsx|||Alaska" has a different schema than the 1st file in the set.
The Template in this case refers to the sheet for Alabama. Except, there is nothing at first glance that would suggest there is a difference. The name and numbers of columns match. I even hooked both sheets up to a compare field names macro. See image below. Null values would appear if there was a mismatch. There are no Nulls. And, this holds true for each sheet that generates and error.
Interesting - could you post field info's on both? The names are the same but the types could be different. I know - sounds crazy. It might be easier to use one of those multiple sheet/multiple schema batch macro solutions
I did a few spot checks on the error states (sheets). The field ShipDate is DateTime in the template and Date for the sheets that error. But, the actual data for ShipDate in each sheet is formatted exactly the same (in the source Excel).
I found this solution that seems to work around the issue. See link to other Solution.
Yeah - I had a feeling it was something like that - excel allows cell based type selection and something can randomly be generated as a different type than it's neighbors. Glad to hear it all worked.