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Google BigQuery Input Returning Generic Error

5 - Atom


I'm attempting to configure the Google BigQuery input tool in designer version 2019.3 but I am receiving a generic error message when trying to run.


I'm using Service-to-Service authentication mode, and I am able to select the correct table in the config but am unable to run the query regardless of using a custom query or limiting the number of results returned. The error message received is:


Generic error received: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)


Any help with this type of error message would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @KyleKubitz ,


we're going to need more information. Can you show the data that's going into the tool? The error is suggesting the first row of data is null, and so the query is stopped at that point.




5 - Atom

Hi @mceleavey - there are ~100 tables that can be used for the input, with each of them returning the same issue. Is it possible to see this type of error with the BigQuery input when there are permissions issues? It seems odd since I am able to navigate to the project and data tables within the config.

5 - Atom

Discovered the issue- the JSON authentication file was set for schema permissions only, not data access. This allowed me to get to the config portion of the BigQuery input tool and select tables, but could not retrieve data.

