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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

Find answers, ask questions, and share expertise about Alteryx Designer Desktop and Intelligence Suite.

Get Customers data

6 - Meteoroid

Q1 - Get the customer whose spent increases every-month from  202103 - 202105


Q2 - Get the customer whose remain exists from  202103 - 202105


Q3 - Get the customer who stopped spent in 202104 and 202105


Q4 - Get each month level customers exists of which old customers VS Newly added customers VS customers who stopped spending


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora


Multi row Formula would help to solve your task.

I prepared WF to answer to Q1 and Q2, so please finish the rest of questions by yourself with reference to my WF.



If you could give some context, explanation, greeting, etc., you would get more help. Please try to elaborate more from next time.  
